Your Sex:(required)

    Marital Status:

    Please fill rest of the application form with as much details as possible.

    Would you prefer a :
    malefemaleno preference

    Which coat color(s) do you prefer? (please tick all that apply)
    Wolf GrayBlack GrayRed Gray

    Are you primarily interested in a Pet Quality puppy or a Breeding Quality puppy?
    Breeding Quality puppyPet Quality puppy

    If you are interested in a Breeding Quality female puppy, do you intend to register as a ITR Breeder and to only breed in accordance with the rules and regulations set by the ITR?

    If you are interested in a Breeding Quality male puppy, do you intend to register him as a ITR Stud Dog if he passes all of the required health tests?

    Your Living Environment

    Do you rent or own your home?

    If you rent, does your landlord permit dogs?
    YesNoI dont know

    Outdoor Space:

    Your Dog's Living Conditions:

    Your dog will spend most of his/her time:
    in an outdoor enclosurein a fenced yardin the houseother

    Where Your dog will sleep ?
    on bedin a cratein bedroomin an outdoor enclosureon a dogbed in a different room

    What do you plan to feed your dog?
    RAWtinned meatsuper premium kibbleother


    Are you aware of the cost of caring for this puppy?
    (vaccinations, regular treatment , food, toys, training courses, vet bills, etc.)

    Do you agree to return your Tamaskan to us should you be unable to continue caring for it for any reason?

    Are you aware of the price of a Tamaskan puppy?

    Experience with Dogs

    explain your past experience with other dogs:

    Do you already (or have you ever) own(ed) a Tamaskan?

    Have you ever given/surrendered a dog to a shelter, rescue, other person, animal control, etc?

    Are you willing to meet with us in real life or to have a home visit? (depending on location)
    Do you agree to contact via skype ?

    What ll happen with dog when u go to vaccation ?

    what will your dog do with you on a daily basis?

    where do you work ?

    can the dog be with you at work?

    Are you planning to train with your dog? If Yes please tell us more 🙂